
Showing posts from September, 2018

Even the Bishop Needs Help Sometimes!

We all need help. ALL of us find ourselves in need at some point. Have you ever wanted to seek help, but felt ashamed or embarrassed to talk to someone?  I have found these feelings to be especially prevalent when talking about marriage and intimacy.  Aren’t these things just supposed to naturally work themselves out?...not usually. Listen to this bishop’s story prior to seeking help. “Sex had been a disaster from the beginning of the marriage.  What made it worse was he felt that good Latter-day Saints shouldn’t have such problems.  He believed that if anyone should have a model marriage, the bishop and his wife should.  In fact, virtually everyone in the ward assumed they were the perfect couple, and he felt both hypocritical and a little bitter that the image was false.” In frustration, the bishop said, “Show me the justice of it.  We keep all the commandments.  We pay a full tithe and a lot more.  Neither of us has ever refused a calling.  We attend the temple regula

The Healing Power of Touch

Did you know physical touch has the power to heal by transferring vital energy between human beings? Dr. Harvey L Gochros explained, “We develop a form of emotional scurvy that we call by different terms: depression, stress, anxiety, aggression and midlife crisis.   Lack of touch is just as detrimental to our health as a lack of Vitamin C and just as easy to remedy.” So interesting! Human beings have a universal need for touch.    In one horrendous  study  babies actually died from the simple lack of touch. When intimacy is lacking in a marriage, serious consequences can also be found.   Lack of physical touch often leads our minds down a lonely path of feeling isolated, sad, depressed and unaccepted. To be clear intimacy doesn’t always imply sexual contact.   There are many ways to start filling your “touch bucket” right now.    1- Give lots of hugs 2- Hold hands 3- Stroke hair or skin 4- Snuggle or hold each other in the cradling position 5

How to Talk to Your Husband About Intimacy

What comes to mind when you think about talking to your husband about physical intimacy? It seems logical that we should talk about something so vital to our relationship, but for many women it also seems scary. Maybe you can relate... “It feels so awkward to talk about it.” “Every time we try to talk about it, it ends up in a fight.” “I don’t know how to express what I really feel inside. “If we talk about it, he’ll try to talk me into things I don’t feel like doing.” It might not be easy to start talking, but it can heal your soul when you start connecting on this level.   Expect it to feel uncomfortable at first, but do it anyway…because you deserve a happy marriage.   Here are my best tips to guide you through it! 1- Practice acceptance of each other first.   When both partners feel accepted by each other and are comfortable sharing non-intimate feelings, they are more open to sharing the more vulnerable parts of desire.   2- Choose