
Showing posts from July, 2018

There is Nothing Wrong With You!

Did you know adult attitudes toward sexual intimacy are largely conditioned during childhood and adolescence?   In our youthful years, we are like sponges absorbing and believing all that our parents and leaders tell us (or are afraid to tell us).  If you were taught that sex is bad, dirty, or should be avoided at all costs, you might be one of the otherwise well-adjusted wives who still think of intimate relations (even after marriage) as evil, wrong or just another chore.  This is what I want you to know if you are feeling this way. There is nothing wrong with you.  In fact it makes perfect sense that you feel this way. For years you were taught to bridle all those feelings.  Do not think about sexual desires.  Do not indulge in those types of behaviors.  Do not talk about those types of things....and the list goes on. Then one day you knelt across an altar and covenanted to "be one" for the rest of eternity and you were expected to flip the switch.  Now in orde