Be Careful About that Story You're Telling

One time my family and I had this really special spring break.  My husband was able to get time off work to be with the whole family.  We made a list of things we wanted to do and we began to execute.  We explored caves, visited new restaurants.  We went on rollercoasters, saw dear friends and were blessed with perfect weather.  We even had food delivered right to our door.  It was so memorable.  We have shared this experience with many others, we talk about it among ourselves still, and I don't think there is anyway we will soon forget the week we had. We hadn't had a spring break like that prior and haven't had one since.

One time my family had this really terrible spring break. We promised the kids several fun adventures and we were all super excited. On the first day, I started feeling a bit of a headache coming on.  We had already promised the kids we would have fun, so I took some Excedrin and pushed through.  The next day we were headed to a theme park.  I woke feeling even worse than the day before. This time I took more medicine, and I began to push through.  I suffered through most of the day as I watched my kids have fun.  Shortly, I noticed my husband was beginning to look rough and slow down as well.  We both ended up feeling so terrible we had to rest and recoup before moving from one thing to the next.  I couldn't believe my Excedrin and cold medicine weren't sustaining me anymore.  Somehow we made it back home with four boys in tow.  Getting everyone into the car and back home really is a blur in my memory. The next day, Jason and I tested positive for flu.  That spring break we all ended up with the flu (all except the 3 yr old).  We were so sick we couldn't even feed our kids.  Luckily, we had some kind soul drop some food at our door at least once.

That spring break was special. It was memorable. It is one we still talk about. It was terrible and miserable.  That spring break was one and the same.

Isn't it interesting how we can tell a story about the exact same circumstance and have it come across so differently?  I could tell you similar stories about my husband and my marriage.  There are always multiple versions of the same story to be told.

So why does it matter?  Our thoughts about our marriage and our husband, make up our beliefs.  Our beliefs determine how we feel about marriage and the person we are supposed to love the most.  How we feel drives our action or lack of action, and the action we choose to take or not take always gives us the results we have in our marriage.

What is the story you are telling yourself about your husband and your marriage?  What results do you currently have as a result of this story? 

Perhaps most importantly, what do you want to think about your husband and your marriage?  Schedule a free mini-session with me email and we can explore what is possible for you.


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